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Strategic Consulting on Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation with a focus on Equity

Leveraging expert backgrounds in equity in education, large-scale evaluation, and meaningful measurement, we provide strategic consulting to organizations looking to use behavioral science to improve hiring, candidate evaluation, and performance evaluation. 

We understand the challenges of using data and measures that reflect the real world and elevate inclusive understanding. We work with partners who are interested in becoming leaders in meaningful measurement.

With experience designing data for critical social impact topics like measuring long-term learning, marginalized experiences in health, and complex models for causal inference, Catharsis Consulting brings a sharp focus on equitable measurement. We have a particular expertise in helping organizations think about how people are being measured and whether those measurements are supporting the goals we want them to support.


Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.


When our schedule allows, Catharsis Consulting provides rich, targeted workshops that help teams learn together. Bringing together a background in learning science and collaborative design with our applied research and data science expertise, we lead active-learning focused workshops for teams looking to invest in time on these topics. Workshops are virtual experiences--but not exhausting zoom affairs! We provide several hours of tightly-focused learning experience, broken up with collaborative exercises rooted in learning science, and supplemented with outside reading, research, and templates for team members to continue work at their own pace.

New workshops are in development: stay tuned!

Principal Researcher Cat Hicks is available for occasional speaking events on applied social science, learning science, and other insights from Catharsis Consulting's projects in translational research and data science. 

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